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RULER   :   Country files   :   Osborne Assn   :   Mandan, ND

The Osborne Association

1938-43 Reports on reformatories


Rules, Regulations, and Disciplinary Policies -- The superintendent formulates disciplinary policies and assumes direct supervision of the administration of discipline. There are no printed rules or regulations and no credit marking plan or other formalized disciplinary devices. ....

The most serious offenses listed by the superintendent were running away, lying, insubordination, stealing, and disrespect for authority.


The superintendent's report covering the biennium ending June 30, 1936, shows that a total of 20 boys and 3 girls ran away during that period and that 7 boys and 2 girls were returned.


Punishments -- It was stated that the punishment inflicted for any offense, including running away, is always based on the individual concerned and the circumstances surrounding the event and that there are no "routine" punishments.

Corporal punishment is permitted for both boys and girls but it must be administered by the superintendent and any other employee resorting to it is subject to immediate discharge. For boys it consists of a spanking on the bare buttocks with a paddle about one-half inch thick and for girls it consists of a slap in the face with the open hand. No records of such punishments are kept but it was estimated that on the average they occur 6 or 7 times a year among the boys and not more than 2 times a year among the girls.

It was said that segregation is never used as a form of punishment nor are restrictions on the writing and visiting privileges although the deprivation of other privileges such as attendance at motion pictures, picnics, and other social functions is frequently used for minor offenses.

Our representatives saw boys with cropped heads wearing shackles and leg chains. It was explained that this, in addition to being paddled, is the punishment sometimes meted out to boys returned from running away while girls committing the same offense are required to wear gingham dresses.

No records are kept of disciplinary infractions and punishments although the law requires it.

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Copyright © C. Farrell
Page created July 1999